Test question analysis by category

I see that you've added new test analysis features to Populi.  These are great!  It would be really helpful if we could use the "category"  feature for test questions with the analysis.  So if we have several different categories for our test questions, we could analyze the responses by category, both as a group and individually.  For example, if the categories are Herbology, Acupuncture & Biomedicine, we could look at the test as whole and see the percentage of questions answered correctly for each category for the entire class.  We would also like to look at each student and see how they did in each category (i.e. 50% of Biomedicine questions correct, 90% of Herbology questions correct & 95% of Acupuncture questions correct).  This would help us to evaluate the validity of test questions as well as identify which categories the students are weak in.      

Vicki Rosmann



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