When you wish to add a new column to a report in the data slicer, you basically have to either add it to the end, or re-build the enter report following the column you wish to add. Most report building tools I have used enable you to drag and drop fields/columns within the report, or if not drag-and-drop, then has arrows to move data up and down.
Information Technology While I never have big reports, I have spent a considerable amount of time in the columns section re-assigning existing columns in order to re-order them. A simple drag and drop would have definitely sped that up.
Tami Bonnett-Admi Correction. I know I can add a field in the middle of a report. But the ability to reorder them would be much appreciated.
Satya Levine I also spend more time that I'd like getting my columns in a tidy oder. Reordering would be *very* helpful!
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