Does the grade book have the ability to set a curve? Is this something you could add?
Adam Sentz @Mark - Grade curving isn't built into Populi yet, but it's definitely something we've talked about adding.
Melinda Dugan I'd be interested in this feature, also. Has there been any movement towards implementing this yet?
Adam Sentz @Melinda - Not yet.
Jason Haché I have had some instructors ask about this feature as well. Any movement towards making this happen?
Adam Sentz @Jason - It's still something I'd really like to do, and I have a pretty good idea of how we'd do it, but that's all so far. I've been really surprised by how few people have asked about it over the years.
Jason Haché That is odd! But then again, this is the first instructor who has ever asked me about it :)
Maybe it's not much of a thing anymore.
Alan Armes I'd like to second a request for a curve-grading feature. Sounds like there aren't many of us, but this would be a very valuable feature for the course I'm currently teaching. Thanks for considering it.
Allen Jones Yeah - it'd be really useful if you could add this feature. As it is now, I have calculate the adjusted score and then manually override grades in the gradebook.
Greg Hall We are new to Populi... seems like this feature should have been added already. Grading on a curve is still a "thing".
Adam Sentz Greg Hall - I've wanted to add grade curving for a long time, but I'm continually amazed by how few requests we get. This thread is a pretty accurate representation. We're building out features as fast as we can and we do our best to allocate resources where they'll benefit the most people. I look forward to when we can get to this one.
Greg Hall Are there any "work arounds" that you can suggest? Can I easily just reduce the number of total points for a test? Can I give everyone extra credit? Even if I have to do it manually for every student... how would I go about curving in Populi?
Adam Sentz You can certainly adjust any grade as desired in the grade book or on an assignment page. You could even export the grade book, do some spreadsheet wizardry to curve grades, and then import it back in. Someday, I'd like to just allow you to set an assignment to curve automatically according to some standard methodologies. Someday.
Greg Hall Thanks for the feedback.
OBCL Manager Can the instructor adjust the final course grade up or down from what it is automatically calculated to be based on the assignment grades?
If so, this allows the instructor a way to curve the course grades without the issue of changing assignment grades that have already been posted.
There is something to be said for leaving assignments strictly graded and then evaluating the need for a curve at the end of the course.
Adam Sentz OBCL Manager - Yes, the instructor can adjust the final grade. Just be aware that if any changes are made to assignment grades that affect the final grade then any previous manual change to the final grade will be overwritten.
Nancy Gilbert I cast my vote - "aye" for grading on a curve feature in Populi
Alden Reynoso I would also be interested in this feature.
Jeff Bakos This would be a great feature.
Micah Shoultz Please, please, please! It would help me greatly if there was a test curving feature.
Mark Gillmore Yes, the ability to curve grades is much needed!
Wade Mobley I'd like to see this, too, at least the ability to add x points to everybody's score to adjust a grade up for the purposes of normalization. Manually adjusting is a lot of work.
Greg Ford I agree completely. Please correct this.
Joshua Sullivan I agree. This is a needed function. Canvas has it. There would probably be more yes votes if it was easier to suggest such changes. Most professors are not going to take the time to go through this process. Why not send out a survey to Populi users each year asking them to vote on features?