We are having a problem with pulling a report of leads based on the most recent profile activity. We need this data to narrow-down and focus our list of leads to show us who is more vs. less responsive, and when we have last contacted them and how.
Since all of our campaign emails are visible on each person's activity feed, we have centralized our other communications and interactions here, such as phone calls, video meetings, visits and tours, and attendance to online info sessions, in-person preview days, and other campus events.
It would be so great to be able to create search filters in the Leads Reporting to reflect most recent updates to the activity feed.
New filters in Lead Reports could potentially be decided in tandem with this request: https://support.populiweb.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/15128747984027-Add-Lead-Admission-Changes-as-a-Filter-on-the-Activity-Feed?input_string=Leads%20Reporting%3A%20Include%20Updates%20to%20Activity%20Feed