IPEDS 12-Month Enrollment Preset

This preset report would be more helpful if it somehow indicated precisely which students are included in each of the calculated values, perhaps by adding a pop-up window for each calculated number, or by adding a single unduplicated list of students with two columns: one indicating the student's position in Part A Unduplicated Counts, and the other indicating the student's position in Part A Distance Education Status.

Populi Support has explained that the "show data underlying data used to generate this report" section is just that; it's all of the data used to generate the report, but not all of that data meets the final criteria of a particular calculated value.

Specifically, my current preset report shows 11 graduate, full-time, white, male students, whereas my own internal reporting indicates there were 10; having the preset indicate which students are actually included in its count of 11 would help me identify errors in the data we've entered into Populi and/or in my own reporting process.


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