The ability to choose between a both/and and either/or option for condition groups on conditional fields

Currently on forms, when you have multiple groups of conditions on a single field, these groups are always understood by the system to mean "both this group of conditions and this group" not "either this group OR this group." This means that the system will show the field that is conditional only if ALL two or three or however many condition areas are met. 

When designing forms with a larger network of conditions, it would be very helpful to be able to choose whether you want the system to understand your groups of conditions as "both and" or "either or." Enabling the "either or" option would allow a conditional field to be visible in say, five or six situations, some of which might have contradictory selections.

For instance, perhaps I want a field to show up in both situations:

Are you over 21?

- selection: yes

- selection: no
  ----> condition Q. 2 are you over 18?
         I am over 18

And not in the following situation:

Are you over 21?
- selection: no
     ----> conditional Q. 2 are you over 18?
         I am over 18

Because the selections "yes" and "no" in response to the first question are contradictory responses to the same question, I cannot set up conditions so that a field will show in both of these cases (with selection "no" being further conditional on the respondent's answer to whether they are over or under 18), because the system wants to consider BOTH my first conditional group AND my second conditional group together, and it can't do that, because the responses are contradictory. If I try and set things up this way, right now it will just refuse to show the conditional field when one of the contradictory responses is selected.

If I could set it up so that it EITHER appears if the respondent selects the first option (yes) OR if the respondent selects the section option (no-->over 18) that would be amazing.


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