Populi should have a place to upload transcripts we receive for each student. All our students need to submit official transcripts. Currently I upload them in the info tab but this should all be centralized under the"Student" tab or "Admissions-Transfer Credits".
Dee McOwen Clarissa,
Populi's support created a field on the student information tab for me to upload transcripts, so you can submit a support request, they'll be happy to help you.
Clarissa Marin Hi Dee,
Yes, that is where I currently upload them. I submitted a feature request for them to host them within the transferred courses area. The info tab contains so much information already.
Clay McFerrin I'm on board with Clarissa. We use an Admissions Custom Field that accepts multiple files, but it would be better to have this housed in Admissions > Transfer Credits. A "Multiple Files"-type built-in field that looks like the corresponding custom field, or something similar to what's available on the Activity Feed, would be perfect.
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