Currently when you view or print a Grade Report it includes a cumulative GPA that does not include transfer work. These grade reports can be audited and because it doesn't include transfer work the cumulative GPA may be misleading. Can we have an option to include transfer work in the cumulative GPA on grade reports (just like on transcripts?)
Mindy Scroggins I am going to add a comment to this request even though I made a support ticket. I am looking at something similar in needing the cumulative overall GPA (including transfer) on the grade report so that I don't have to print a transcript each semester to prove SAP. I know that there is a SAP report but it is not set up to print individual students. The grade report I can see now lists overall units but not the GPA. Maybe that is something that someone with a different role than I have has access to changing.
Evan Donovan I think there are now tokens that you can use to do this by creating a custom Transcript format. You could file a support ticket on that.
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