Since Populi cannot use phone numbers outside the USA/Canada, we would like a feature to send exam passwords to the proctor by email instead of phone, or create a feature to allow international mobile phone text messages.
Adam Sentz Official comment We added the ability to use email for proctoring instead of text messaging.
Andrew Sears I agree this is needed.
Clarissa Marin This is a major problem for our online community. We can't use this feature for our online program because international students can not receive text messages.
Vadim Chepurny Please allow email verification for internationals.
Matt McCaul Is there any update on this? Is it something that will happen? Or should I look for other options?
Adam Sentz Matt McCaul - We are working on integrating with a remote proctoring service. We added test passwords recently which you could just send to the proctor if you've already established their identity.
Vadim Chepurny What is a remote proctoring service?
Adam Sentz Vadim Chepurny - A remote proctoring service emulates the role of an on-site proctor, but over the internet.
Vadim Chepurny Adam Sentz Looking forward!
Evan Donovan Adam Sentz: Thanks for the update regarding a remote proctoring service. That's great news!
We will need to do our first proctored exams for this term next week, and some may need to be remote.
Do you have a timeline of when this integration would be live that you could share? -
Adam Sentz Evan Donovan - I'm pretty confident remote proctoring won't be available next week, but you could try using the existing built-in proctoring option.
Evan Donovan Thanks for the update. That's what we are using currently, but for our in-person proctoring, since the proctors in our current workflow meet up with the students in-person and get the code.
Evan Donovan Thanks so much for adding this! I was just looking at remote proctoring today.
Andrew Sears Thank you so much. This will be very helpful for international students.
Clarissa Marin Thanks for the update Populi!!! Super helpful.