It would be incredibly useful to be able to import individual lessons from one course to another, rather than a "take all or nothing" import on lessons.
Adam Sentz Official comment -
Brendan O'Donnell Michael, interesting idea. For now, would it work to clone them all over and then delete the ones you don't need?
Michael Bolz That works in some situations, but for example, we created a new section of an online English Comp course we're running, and I wanted to pull some existing lessons from an older version of the class in addition to lessons from a more recent section that I'm currently running. I'm finding myself with 4 windows open, and then copying pasting and downloading and re-uploading videos from one to the other.
Brendan O'Donnell Thanks for bringing up this scenario.
Regarding downloading/re-uploading files, did you know you can import files from other courses? On Course > Info, when you click Add Files, you'll have that option in the dialog.
Michael Bolz Brilliant! Funny how I've always overlooked that feature!
Isaiah Allen Has this feature been added? I can't see a way to move a lesson from one course into another. Yeah, it's lots of tedious work importing the pieces and sorting them all out again.