It would be incredibly helpful if students were required to choose an invoice to apply a payment to when they go in to make payments.
Jonathon Beeke Yes!
Shari Clark Yes, that would be extremely helpful. Or if you could change to paying an invoice by the date it is due and not when it was created. I had a student make a payment of over $700, which should have applied $30 of it to a late fee. However, because the Late Fee invoice was created after the Tuition invoice, it all went to the tuition. So, he still had an overdue amount of $30. He then proceeds to make 2 additional payments of $30 each to pay off the late fee. He was doing this all online. I am able to go in and re-apply the payments to cover the Late Fee but it would be so much simpler and easier if you fixed Populi so that it pays invoices off by due date and not by date created. Or if they could choose what invoice to pay.
Is this something that you could fix sometime soon? Thank you.
Daniel Kim Bump.
This is a feature I hope can be integrated in the near future. We have students who request to pay certain invoices like the graduation fee, but it ends up going to another invoice, causing confusion.
I hope there can be an update from Populi Support on this requested feature.
Vivian Han Yes!
This feature would be very useful, hoping it gets integrated into Populi at some point.
I've had to go in many times to reapply payments to the correct invoices, creating additional administrative work.
Benji Swafford What is the status of this? Not having this feature is causing a huge headache for our accounting department. Having payments automatically go to housing instead of an overdue tuition invoice, for example, is a major problem. In some cases, this automatic and uncontrollable misapplication of funds is not discovered until after alerts from our team have gone out to students telling them that they with be withdrawn if they don't pay their tuition in full - when in fact that overdue amount has actually been automatically applied to their meal plan...Please take another look at this and give it some serious consideration.