Our school would benefit from a function to limit enrollment units based on academic probation. If a student's GPA falls under a defined value, our students are placed under academic probation which limits their credit load. If Populi would integrate academic probation to be a tag that is based on GPA and with it provide academic constraint measures as listed above, it would benefit our school.
M. Jean Bland Yes!
Stephanie Dickerson Did this become a thing? I just had an advisor report to me he couldn't register a probation student for more than 1 course but we haven't enacted that restriction.
Adam Sentz Stephanie Dickerson - I don't believe so. Please open a support request with some more details so we can look into this for you.
Louis Rakoczy We would also like the ability to customize how many hours a student on probation is limited to enroll in.
Sherry Davis This would help our institution as well!
Ann Rill With no other way to police the probation credit limitations on Populi other than manually locking and unlocking student registration rights and/or requiring advisors to register probation students, this would save much time.
In the Disciplinary Action section, after choosing "Academic Probation," a drop-down menu could be inserted to identify the number of credits a student can register for during the provided dates. Then, link that credit limitation box to the student's registration tab so that he cannot register for more than the prescribed number of credits without a manual override from an Academic Admin or Advisor role as long as the probation is in effect.