Pass/Fail grades are just that for us. Professors do not assign a numerical value. However, students see a numerical value associated with their grade in Populi. I would like the ability to suppress that.
Jonathon Beeke Agree!
Nick Mendonca We also need this.
Charity Shelton We definitely need this!
Stacie Waring We also need this!
In addition, I'd also like to be able to hide numerical grades for courses where a letter grade is given manually in the gradebook, rather than via calculation.
Kim Huizinga This feature would be so much better than how it currently is. Please add this feature as soon as possible. As a P/F course, It's not a graded course. Please remove the necessity to have a percentage attached to the grade.
Jessica Babaker If you make all the assignments in a course worth just 1 point, then it will default the course grade to either 0 or 100. Use this method in tandem with the PASS/FAIL grade options. This works very well for our assignments and courses that function like this!
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