Currently, students don't see an Activity Feed. We'd like to have students be able to see emails sent to them via Populi not only in their email box, but also in their activity feed. We've have several instances of incorrect emails, "lost" emails, etc. and would like students to be able to see them in an Activity Feed.
Niklaas Schalm How did I never think of this before!? That sounds like an amazing feature. The number of times I have had to turn my computer screen to show a student that they received a certain email is surprising.
Jonathan White Yes it would be helpful to communicate with a student using the activity feed. It would provide the school a place also to give certain documents to the student. Or at least they would have access to that in Populi rather than only in an email.
Meegs Johnson There needs to be a record of emails sent through Populi to students by academic offices (I know classes can be emailed...I am just mystified why this functionality does not currently seems like add the role "student" would fix the visibility issue.
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