When you receive a push notification and follow it, it takes you to your main feed. It would be helpful if the push notification would take you right to the post.
Adam Sentz Official comment If this isn't working for you it's a bug. Please provide details in a support request to help us find a solution.
Nate Cameron I had a student complain about this not even two hours ago. Yes please!
Adam Sentz It should go right to the post. We just tested and it's working for us. If you can provide some more details in a support request we could take a more detailed look.
David Ruten Would it also be possible to have the content in the push notification in the same way that we receive a text message notification?
Steve Janz Yes, yes, yes!! Notifications linked to the content!!
Jennilee Vellacott I use an iPhone and it is not taking me directly to the post, just the dashboard. Is it potentially only doing this for androids at the moment?
Bill Hodson This is a NEEDED fix
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