Cyndi Myers
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Recent activity by Cyndi Myers Sort by recent activity-
Payment Page: Customize the payment form
Please allow us to add custom fields to the payment form, both for students paying and for external people paying. We need to be able to collect more information from the person paying for internal...
Custom Fields on Payment Information
We *Desperately* need the ability to add custom fields to the payment information records. We have a scholarship matching program, that we match tuition raised by certain third party supporters. W...
more detail on financial transactions
Cyndi Myers Oct 7, 2022, 1:15 PM PDT would really love to have more detail provided here. we have a program that incentivizes students to have ministry partners pay for part of their tuition ....
add conditional logic and merge fields from the form to Form functionality
Add the ability to send notifications from a form response conditionally, based on responses in the form. Ie: If requesting program change from program A to B, notify Person 1, but if requesting p...
Tag filter in Payment report
CompletedPlease add a tag filter to the payments received report in financial tab. This filter is offered in many other reporting places in Populi, but for some reason is missing here. Financial > Billing >...
Access to create our own automations
It would be fantastic if school account admins could have access to the "automations" tab within Populi, so that we could develop, manage, and customize our own email automations.
Set Course Meeting times to NOT repeat. Specify specific dates for meeting
there is a field that says "repeats ___ weeks" when adding meeting times to a specfic course. However, you can't set it to only repeat once. We have classes that meet in 1 week intensives, but the ...
Course Planning Tool/Course Predictor Tool
It would be great to have a way to evaluate/predict how many students we can expect to register for a certain class in a specific term. This would help us plan which classes we need to offer each t...
apply comm plans from financial and financial aid modules
It would be great to be able to "apply communication plan" from the financial tab and the financial aid tabs when identifying groups of people.
add more filtering options to all Financial Reporting tabs
The lack of filtering options is both inconsistent and extremely unhelpful within the "Financial" module in Populi. Please expand the filtering options to be consistent with how you can filter in ...