
Adding locks to students

In this article, you'll learn how to apply locks to student accounts (and remove them, too!). If you haven't yet, read this article to learn how the different kinds of locks in Populi work as well as how to request a custom lock.

Ways to add locks

There are several ways to add locks to students; below, you'll see instructions for the first two methods:

  • You can add a lock to an individual student on his profile.
  • Locks can be added to a group of students in Academics > Reporting > Data Slicer.
  • You can request that we set up a custom automation that adds or removes a lock when some other event triggers it.

Adding a lock to one student

Here's how to add a lock to an individual student on his profile:

  1. In the left column of the student's profile below the photo, click Add a lock.
  2. Select the lock type you wish to add. You can only add locks that allow your user roles to add/edit the lock.
  3. Enter a reason. The reason will be displayed to the student so he knows why he's locked out. It will also be visible to anyone with read-only access to this lock type.
  4. Enter an internal note. This will be visible to other users that can add/edit this lock type. It will not be visible to the student.
  5. When you're done, click Save.

After adding the lock:

  • It lists under the Locks heading in the left column.
  • Click the lock type to view, edit, or remove it (see below).
  • You can include the student in Data Slicer reports by searching for the Lock Type.
  • You (and other add/edit users) can add this same lock type again as many times as you need to.

Adding locks in bulk using reporting tools

You can add a lock to a group of students in the Data Slicer, the Advised Students report, the Leads report in Admissions, and many of the reports in Financial > Billing. (You can also remove locks in all these reports.)

  1. Run, load, or filter a report.
  2. Click Actions.
  3. Select the lock action you wish—it will be some variation of Manage Locks.
  4. Follow the above instructions for adding a lock.

After performing this action, the lock will be added to all of the students in your report.

Removing and editing locks

You can edit or remove a lock from a student at any time (provided, of course, you have add/edit permissions).

  1. Go to the student's profile.
  2. Click the lock type you wish to change.
  3. The dialog will show you all the locks of that type (the same lock may have been added multiple times by different people).
  4. Click and select whether to edit the lock or remove it.
  5. You can also click the action at the bottom to remove all the locks of that particular type.
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