These settings govern a number of assorted items throughout Populi Academics. Whenever you update a setting, make sure to scroll back to the top of the screen and click Save Settings so your changes will take effect.
Course units by student
You can enable certain user roles to manually adjust the credits or hours for individual students on the course roster. You can allow academic admins, registrars, or the course faculty to do so. By default, no user roles have this ability.
Default term
Select from your existing academic terms. After saving your settings, the various reports in Academics, Admissions, and Financial will default to show that term.
When students retake a course that does not allow multiple retakes for credit, which grade should Populi keep? The Most Recent grade? The Earliest grade? Or the Highest grade?
Retake display
How do you wish to display retakes on transcripts?
- Show an R next to the retaken courses
- Bracket retaken courses
- Bracket courses previously taken, regardless of retake status
Count retakes in term GPA
A student takes MATH101 in Fall and gets a D. He takes it again in Spring and gets an A. If you select Yes, then the Fall course grade will be factored into his Fall GPA. If you select No, then the Fall course grade will not be factored into his Fall GPA.
Count retakes in cumulative GPA
As with the Count retakes in term GPA setting: A student takes MATH101 in Fall and gets a D. He takes it again in Spring and gets an A. If you select Yes, then the Fall course grade will be factored into his Cumulative GPA. If you select No, then the Fall course grade will not be factored into his Cumulative GPA.
Show % grade on grade reports
Check Yes to include a number/percentage grade alongside the letter grade on student grade reports.
Show SSN on transcript
Check Yes to include student SSNs on their transcripts. SSNs are some of the most sought-after personal information among identity thieves and other such trolls. Check Yes only if you absolutely must!
Transcript footer
Enter a brief block of text; this will be included on the last page of all printed transcripts.
Auto-enrollment notifications
Choose who to notify whenever a student is automatically moved from the waitlist to being enrolled in a course. You can choose to notify some combination of students and advisors or disable the notifications altogether.
Count unused courses in course group GPA
Check Yes to include the grades for Unused Courses in the course group GPA calculations on the degree audit.
Enable web transcripts
Include a link to a web version of the student's up-to-date transcript. This link will appear on every official transcript your school exports from Populi. This also lets you offer an email option to students who request an official transcript.
Transcript Email Message
Customize the message sent when you send someone a transcript via email.
Enable Tin Can
Tin Can is a kind of file exported from certain learning management systems that collects data about student activity. If enabled, your faculty can incorporate Tin Can packages in their course lessons.
Disable Schedule Conflicts During Registration
This allows students to register for courses with scheduling conflicts on Profile > Registration.
Student ID number template
The standard Student ID number generated by Populi follows this format:
- Current calendar year followed by six-digit counter. For example, the 23rd student you set up in 2025 would have a Student ID of 2025000023.
If you'd like to customize the standard format, read about your options here.
Enable unofficial transcripts
Check Yes to let your students export a PDF of their own unofficial transcripts from the Student view on their profiles.
Registration processing message
If your school processes student self-registrations after a delay or using a lottery system, enter the text you'd like displayed to students after they submit their registrations. You may want to update this setting for each online enrollment period—for example, Your registration for Fall Term will be processed on such-and-such a date...
Enrollment agreement messages
If your school requires term-based enrollment agreements (these require setup by a financial user), students will sign them after registering for courses during online enrollment periods. Enter the text you'd like displayed (instead of the provided defaults) for the two screens students will see while agreements are generated and signed.
Entrance Term Calculation
When a student exits your school and later returns for another course of study, how do you wish for Populi's reporting tools to reckon his entrance term? You can use the entrance term from the student's Earliest Program or Most Recent Program.
Transfer Credit Default Effective Date
When adding new transfer credits, would you like them to apply at the beginning of the transcript, or as of today’s date by default?
Allow faculty to create rubric criteria
Select “Yes” to allow faculty to create new rubric criteria in the course Rubrics view. Select “No” to restrict criteria creation to Academic Admins in Academics > Settings. Faculty may still create their own rubrics using these global criteria.
Enable Public Term Schedules
A public course schedule lets you publish your term course schedule by embedding a URL in your external website using an iframe.
- Check Yes under the Enable... settings. Some new settings will appear.
- You can choose to automatically publish schedules for the current and next standard terms or select individual term schedules to publish.
- Paste some properly-formatted CSS into the ...custom CSS field to match the schedule's appearance to that of your school's website.
- Copy the embed code and include it in your site's source code.
- Scroll back to the top and click Save Settings—the schedule will not be published until you do so!
Enable waiting list over-enrollment
Check Yes to allow students to place themselves on waiting lists for courses with enrollment, scheduling, and other conflicts. Have a look at this article to learn how this changes online course registration for students.
Count lesson activity as participation
Select “Yes” to include lesson activity as active participation in online courses.
Unmet Course Prerequisite Notifications
Choose who should get an email when a student is automatically withdrawn from a course because he failed a prerequisite.
Allow Faculty to Manage Course Meeting Times
Select “Yes” to allow course faculty to add, edit, delete, and clone meeting times on the course Settings and Calendar views. Select “No” to restrict these functions to Academic Admins and Registrars.
Custom Student Export Filename Template
When you export a transcript or other student-related document, the default filename will be:
For student Serena Telliver, that would produce:
Telliver, Serena Undergraduate Transcript.pdf
Leave the field name blank to stick with the default. To customize it, you can use these variables together with any custom text (examples below):
- {FIRST_NAME} inserts the user's entire first name. You can also add a number at the end of the field to include the first few letters of the name. For example, {FIRST_NAME:3} would include the letters ser.
- {LAST_NAME} inserts the user's entire last name. You can also add a number at the end of the field to include the first few letters of the name. For example, {LAST_NAME:5} would include the letters telli.
- {FIRST_INITIAL} and {LAST_INITIAL} give you only the first letter of the person's first or last name.
- {PREFERRED_NAME} and {PREFERRED_INITIAL} gives you the preferred first name (or the first initial of the preferred name). You can also use variables like {PREFERRED_NAME:4} to shorten it in the filename. If the user doesn't have a preferred name, this variable will insert the first name instead.
- {YEAR} gives you the current year in 2 digits (2026 = 26).
- {MONTH} gives you the current month in 2 digits (January = 01).
- {DAY} adds the current calendar day in 2 digits (January 22 = 22).
- {RANDOM} inserts a random number. If you want a random 5-digit number, enter {RANDOM:5}, if a random 7-digit, then {RANDOM:7}, etc. The maximum length is 10.
- {POPULI_ID} includes the person's unique ID number from your Populi database. These are seven or more characters long and not intuitive to remember, so use this field sparingly.
- {DOCUMENT_TYPE} indicates what kind of document this is—e.g. transcript, grade report, etc.
- {PROGRAM_NAME} includes the student's program.
When exporting Serena Telliver's undergraduate transcript to PDF, here are some examples of what you'll get:
: 1234567-Undergraduate-Transcript.pdf -
: S.Telliver_exported_01142026.pdf -
: SerTellTranscript46290.pdf
...and so on.