
Step eight: add and enroll students

The Student role enables Populi to track academic information for a person. The role lets a person enroll in or audit courses and triggers Populi to begin recording their academic history.

Setting up student users

To get your students ready to use Populi...

  1. Find the person who needs the student role. If you can't find her, you may need to add a new person.
  2. Follow the instructions in this article to add the Student role to the user. When you do this, you'll see the Student view on her profile.
  3. On her Profile > Info view, make sure you have a valid email address entered for her.
  4. Grant her user access to Populi.

If we imported your legacy academic data, look over some of the students we imported for you to get a sense of how a detailed student profile will look when you're fully up-and-running.

Enrolling students in courses

There are several ways to register students for courses:

  • If you've set up online online enrollment periods, students can register themselves for courses for which they've met the prerequisites.
  • You and the student's advisor(s) can also access her Profile > Registration view, which accounts for prerequisites, waiting lists, and registration locks.
  • Academic Admins, Registrars, and the student's advisor(s) can update her courses on the Profile > Student view.
  • Academic Admins and Registrars can add individual students or import groups of students on the Course > Roster view. If the course's enrollment setting permits faculty, course faculty can also manage enrollment up until the course's add-drop date.
  • Academic Admins and Registrars can enroll students using the Data Slicer.

Next: set up course evaluations...

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