The Student role enables Populi to track academic information for a person. The role lets a person enroll in or audit courses and triggers Populi to begin recording their academic history.
Setting up student users
To get your students ready to use Populi...
- Find the person who needs the student role. If you can't find her, you may need to add a new person.
- Follow the instructions in this article to add the Student role to the user. When you do this, you'll see the Student view on her profile.
- On her Profile > Info view, make sure you have a valid email address entered for her.
- Grant her user access to Populi.
If we imported your legacy academic data, look over some of the students we imported for you to get a sense of how a detailed student profile will look when you're fully up-and-running.
Enrolling students in courses
There are several ways to register students for courses:
- If you've set up online online enrollment periods, students can register themselves for courses for which they've met the prerequisites.
- You and the student's advisor(s) can also access her Profile > Registration view, which accounts for prerequisites, waiting lists, and registration locks.
- If you've enabled Waiting list over-enrollment in Academics > Settings > General, you'll have extra options for waitlisting students.
- See this article for a list of the various settings that affect how course registration will work for you and for your students.
- Academic Admins, Registrars, and the student's advisor(s) can update her courses on the Profile > Student view.
- Academic Admins and Registrars can add individual students or import groups of students on the Course > Roster view. If the course's enrollment setting permits faculty, course faculty can also manage enrollment up until the course's add-drop date.
- Academic Admins and Registrars can enroll students using the Data Slicer.
Next: set up course evaluations...