
Getting started with your school's new Populi site

This article outlines the setup process that occurs when you are not migrating legacy data from your old information system into Populi. If your school is migrating legacy data, the setup process differs somewhat, and you would be better served by this article.

Once your school's Populi site is live, it's time for you to start setting it up. Getting your school up-and-running with Populi does two things. First, it gets you ready for the day-to-day work you and others will be doing. Secondly, it's the best way to learn what Populi does and how it does it.

We're not gonna lie: the setup phase can be a big job. But we're here to help you every step of the way (see the Training section, below). Here's a look at what you'll need to have under your belt as you get going.

Your user account

If you're reading this article, more than likely you'll have already been set up with your own user account. If you don't have a user account yet, contact an administrator at your school to request access.

Find out all about your user account in this article.


Our Getting Started guides contain step-by-step instructions for setting up each major area of Populi—from entering the first initial settings to starting basic, day-to-day tasks.

The Populi Team is here to answer your questions and field your requests. No doubt we'll be hearing from you a lot as you get started with each section of Populi. Don't be shy! Here are all the ways to get ahold of us; and if you need help right now, write us a request!

Getting Started guides

Here are links to the Getting Started guides, presented in order of importance:

Stay up to date

Like everything else under the sun, we have various channels through which we solicit feedback, announce updates, and provide training and product information.

  • Our YouTube channel features tutorials, product announcements, and other videos that'll tell you more about Populi.
  • Every week we publish Release Notes: features, improvements, bugfixes, plus links to new videos or blog posts. Hit the Follow button to get them emailed to you when we publish them.
  • The Populi blog covers major product announcements and provides an in-depth look at different facets of the software and the company.
  • If you have an idea for a new feature or improvement for Populi, we like to hear about it in our Feature Request Forum; not only do we see it, but so do other users, and this is a valuable source for us as we consider improvements to the service.
  • The User Forum lets our customers talk to each other about various topics: best practices in higher ed, how to use Populi for a particular task, and so on.
  • Of course, we're on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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