Lessons are collections of course materials—content, assignments, discussions, links, and files—that cover a particular section of your course curriculum.
- You create them and access them on the course Lessons view. There you'll find a list of all the course's lessons (together with any recent discussion activity related to the lessons).
- You can make lessons available on a specific date or the course start date.
- Course materials like assignments and files can be required—to finish the lesson, the student must submit something, participate in the discussion, etc.
- Lessons can be "gated": a student must finish a lesson in order to access the next one.
- As students complete lessons, you can check their progress on the Lessons > Student Progress report.
How to create a new lesson
Here's how to add a new lesson to your course. (You can also add lessons by cloning them from another course.)

- Click Add a Lesson.
- Give the lesson a name.
- Select how you wish to make the lesson available to your students:
- Select whether to make it available on the course start date or on a specific date in the term.
- Check to require students to complete the previous lesson before accessing this one. (Read more about gated lessons in this article.