Discussions are pretty straightforward. You and your students leave posts—both comments and replies—and can even attach files to them.
- You and your students can comment, reply to comments, and reply to other replies.
- Anyone who starts a discussion can delete it. Users can also delete their own comments and replies.
- Course instructors and the registrar can delete any discussion, comment, or reply.
- The blue circle indicates an unread comment. A gray circle indicates a read comment. Click the circle to toggle it to the other status.
- Use the filter to sort the discussion by Oldest/Newest, Unread posts, those with Recent activity, or those with the most activity (a comment with a lot of replies, for example).
A couple other things you might encounter in discussions:
Peer rating
Peer rating lets your students rate one another's comments and replies. In graded discussions, you can make peer rating one of your grading requirements. In the image below, the top part shows you what the student sees: one to five stars with which to rate the comment. The bottom part shows you what you'll see: an average of all the ratings on this comment.

Reported comments
Students can report other students' inappropriate comments, replies, and even entire discussions. This article describes how that works.

Grading comments and replies
Graded discussions give you the option of grading individual comments and replies from students. These comment grades can then be used as a grading requirement for the whole discussion. This article describes how to grade comments, replies, and discussions.