The Roster lists all the students associated with the course section together with some basic enrollment information (credits/hours, attendance, etc.).
- Students shows those who are registered in the course (including enrolled, auditing, withdrawn, and incomplete students).
- If the course has multiple course names, Students will be further grouped by course name.
- Waiting List shows those waiting to be enrolled in the course if the maximum enrollment number has already been met.
Roster basics
Here's a brief overview of the information you'll find on the Roster.
- Click the student's name to go to their course summary, which collects assignment, attendance, and other data about how the student is performing in the course.
- Status shows the students' enrollment status.
- Retake indicates whether this course is counted as a retake on the student's transcript.
- P/F indicates whether the student is taking this course as Pass/Fail.
- Attendance and Grade summarize the student's performance in the course.
- Notes lets you leave general course comments about a student.
- Manage lets you change the student's status, date, and course name/description.
Enrollment status
Use the Status selector to instantly filter the roster to show students of a particular status (e.g. Withdrawn...). Faculty have the ability to change a student's status from Enrolled to Incomplete:
- In the Manage column, click next to the student's name. If you see , the student is finalized and you cannot change her status.
- Select the appropriate status from the drop-down.
- Edit the date, if necessary.
- Click Save.
Auditing, Withdrawn, and Waiting List students are typically managed by the Registrar. However, if the course's Enrollment setting permits faculty to manage enrollment, then the course faculty will be able handle all enrollment changes up until the course's add-drop date.
To learn how to work with incomplete students, have a look at this article.
Roster notes
Roster notes are general comments and notes about individual students. They are visible to Academic Admins, Registrars, and course Faculty and Teaching Assistants. They are not visible to students. These notes will be available to faculty when determining the student's final grade.
To leave a note, click , enter your note, and Save.
Email & export students
Use the Actions button to email your students or export them to spreadsheet or PDF.
Click Actions and select what you'd like to do:
- Email this section or—for courses with multiple sections— Email my/all sections.
- Export this section or—for courses with multiple sections— Export my/all sections; this creates a spreadsheet of the students you're exporting.
- Export roster PDF: This creates a PDF of the entire roster for this section; check if you want to include photos.
Selected students
You can select students from the Roster and Email or Export those you've selected. Here are a couple ways to select different groups of students:
- Simply check the students you want to work with, one by one.
- Use some combination of the Course Name or Status selectors to show only particular students.
- Check individual students or click Check all.
Say you want to email the Auditors in one section of an English course:
- Select English 202: Creative Writing and Auditors from the drop-downs.
- Click Check all.
- Click Actions and select Email selected students
Course names
Each section of a course can have multiple course names and descriptions. This is handy when, for example, you're offering the same Directed Study course to a number of music students, some of whom are learning guitar, others of whom are learning piano. Additional course names will not affect the default course name/description, which is inherited from the course catalog.
In order to add or change course names, the Enrollment setting (on Course > Info) must be set to allow faculty to edit enrollment for the course.
Individual students
- Click next to the student's name (under the manage column).
- In the Course name drop-down, select an existing course name (if any) or select New... to create another one.
- If you select New..., enter the new course name below the drop-down, and an optional course description.
- Click Save and the student will list under the new course title heading.
Multiple students
- Click Actions and select Add new course name.
- Enter the new course name, and then the course description (which is optional).
- Check off the students to whom you want to add this course name.
- Click Save and these students will list under the new course title heading.
Changing course names
To change or delete a course name or description:
- Click the gear next to the course name
- Select Change or Delete
- Make your changes and Save
You can manually adjust the Credits and/or Hours an individual student will earn for passing this course.
- Next to Students (near the top of the screen), click edit.
- The credits and hours fields for all unfinalized students will open up for editing.
- Make your changes in the individual fields, and then click Save.
Attendance Hours
A column for Attnd. Hours appears if your school has enabled Clinical Hours. Attendance Hours are automatically calculated according to a student's attendance and the total number of hours listed for the course. If you need to change the automatic calculation, just follow the above steps.