You can embed all kinds of content in your course lessons and tests. This tutorial explains your options.
There are three basic ways to embed other content in your courses:
- Upload a media file and use the embed code to include it in lessons and tests.
- Paste a URL from one of the auto-embed services to include it in a lesson or discussion.
- Use the HTML editor in a lesson to embed content using an iframe.
Auto-embeds work simply by pasting the content's URL right in the text of the lesson (or discussion post). This works with:
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Scribd
- Prezi
- Image URLs: Paste a URL for an image with the following formats:
.jpg | .jpeg | .png | .gif | .bmp
Here's how to embed that content in your courses:

- Copy the URL of the media you want to include from one of those services.
- Paste it into the lesson content editor.
- As soon as you save what you're working on, the content is now embedded in your lesson.
An inline frame—or iframe—is a way to embed one web page within another. In general, iframes don't work in Populi—done poorly, they present a security risk. However, Populi does allow iframes with content from certain whitelisted sites.
Here's how to embed content using an iframe:
- Grab the embed code. Different services have different ways of doing this. Some, like Spotify, require a paid account to get the embed code. Whatever you do, make sure you get the embed code, and not some sort of "share this" link!
- Open the HTML source editor in your lesson.
- Paste the embed code directly into the HTML source editor and click Update.
You'll see the embedded content right in the news/lesson editor—and, of course, in the finished product when you click Save.

Whitelisted sites that work in Populi iframes
- Amazon Web Services
- Box
- Crocodoc
- Flickr
- Google Docs
- History Channel
- Imgur
- Jove
- Logos Bible Software
- Microsoft Office365
- Microsoft SharePoint
- Panopto
- Piktochart
- Polleverywhere
- Prezi
- Quickcast
- Quizlet
- Screencast
- Screencast-o-matic
- Scribd
- Slideshare
- Soundcloud
- Spotify
- Twitch
- Vimeo
- Voicethread
- Warpwire
- Wistia
- YouTube
If you need a site whitelisted that isn't on this list, just contact Populi Support with an example of the embed code, and we'll add it if we can.