
Step one: review the items on the course Settings view

The Course > Settings view has three sections:

  • Settings: Displays general catalog information and settings for your course. Most of these items are inherited from the course catalog and so can only be changed by the registrar; the items you can change are covered below.
  • Rubrics: Standard guides for evaluating and grading student assignments and other coursework. Read about how to set them up in this article and using them to grade student work in this article.
  • LTI Tools: One way to let your Populi course interact and share information with other learning management systems. This article goes into the details.

To get started, find your course and click Settings in the left sidebar. You can get to your courses a few different ways:

  • Type the course name or abbreviation in Search and click the result shown under Courses.
  • On your Populi Home page, look at the My Courses panel. Current Courses shows you courses currently in session; use the drop-down to find courses from different academic terms.
  • On My Profile > Faculty, you'll find a more detailed version of My Courses. Again, use the drop-down to select Current Courses or courses from a specific term.

Once in Settings, you can make the following changes by clicking the field name:

  • Write or edit the course description.
  • Change the Progress and Student Access settings.
  • Clone or sync course content (see below).

Cloning and syncing

Use these options to add content to your course that exists in other courses you've taught.

  • Cloning copies content from past courses into your course. You can then edit any of the items you import using the clone feature.
  • Syncing shares content among different sections of the same course in the same term.

If your course is already synced with another course section, then you cannot use the clone feature. You can, however, clone first and then sync course sections.

Read more about the Course > Settings view.

Next, set up your assignments...

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