Test proctoring lets you require your students to take tests with an observer present as a guard against cheating. Here's how it works:

- You set up your test to require proctoring.
- You can choose to allow proctoring codes to be sent by text/email or by text only.
- You can also add an exception to an unproctored test to require proctoring for a specific student.
- Academic Admins can also be required by the registrar to be proctored for all tests.
- When the student takes the test, Populi asks the proctor for contact information—including a mobile phone number or email address.
- Depending on the proctor's selection, Populi sends her a check-in code via text or email. After the proctor enters the code, the student can take the test.
- If the test is password-protected, Populi will also send the proctor the password.
- After the student submits the test, Populi sends the proctor a check-out code via SMS or email. The proctor must enter the code and check to verify that she did not observe any cheating.
- If the proctor doesn't check out, the test is flagged for your review in the test history.
- Proctored tests show you the contact info for the proctor and links it, if possible, to people already entered in Populi. This helps you contact the proctor to verify her identity.
There are two ways to require proctoring for all students who take a particular test:
When setting up the assignment

When you're adding the new test assignment, check the box in the Add Assignment dialog next to Require proctoring.
In an existing test's Information panel

- Go to the test's Design view:
- In the main Course > Tests view, click the test's name. You'll land on the test's Design view.
- Or, on the assignment page associated with the test, click the test's name, which takes you to the Design view.
- In the Information panel in the right column, click the Proctored setting name.
- Check Yes.
- Click Save.
Proctoring for individual students
To require proctoring for an individual student on an otherwise unproctored test, add a proctoring exception for that student.