

Contacts lets you manage information for the people and organizations in your system.



The People view includes some reporting tools that give you information about anyone in Populi. Use the Show drop-down to select which report you'd like to see.

  • People:Use the filter to winnow down the list; you can then export the list to XLS or CSV or perform a variety of actions (tagging, setting custom fields, etc.).
    • Add new person:This article describes how to add a new person to Populi.
    • Import people: And this article describes how to add more than one person at a time by importing a spreadsheet or database file.
  • Deleted People: Shows you anyone who has been deleted from Populi in the last 30 days. To reverse the deletion, click Restore. (Account Admins can also restore deleted people from the master change log.)
  • GDPR: Shows you people who may be EU citizens but for whom a lawful basis for data processing has not been recorded. It lists people who have EU citizenship, whose primary address is in an EU country, or whose home country is in the EU. Learn more in this article.
  • Directory: Shows contact info and links to profiles for Staff, Faculty, Students, and Alumni.



The Organizations view lets you browse the various organizations in Populi. There's also a view for Delete Organizations. Read more about organizations in this article.

Other items

Forms let you collect information from people at your school (and elsewhere).

Custom fields let you track information (for people and organizations) that isn't already built in to Populi.

Tags let you quickly attach a simple bit of data to the people and organizations in Populi. This view lets you see, merge, edit, and delete your school's tags.

Custom ID Cards ID card templates for different types of people at your school.

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