Several of my coworkers need to be able to see academic and financial information without having the ability to make changes. Could you add this read-only permission?
Adam Sentz Official comment The Academic Auditor role is now available for users who need read only academic access to your Populi.
EDIT 4/16/21 - Financial Auditor role went live last night. 🙌
Robert Damon We have found the need for some of our support staff to be able to see student schedules and information from time to time, but don't want the ability to change anything or need all the access those roles contain. So an "audit" or read-only sub-role for Academic Admin would be VERY helpful here.
Deborah Forteza I agree. If it's possible to add a read-only ability for all roles, that would really help.
Isaac Grauke Thanks for putting this idea out there and for commenting! I've talked to a lot of colleges that would benefit from this kind of thing. This is actually a fairly major programming change though so it falls into the "something we'd like to consider for the long haul" category. There have been a number of other requests relating to user roles that we'd like to wrap in as well so we'll include this one with our list. Thanks!
Ernest Tako that reminds me. Sometimes, we want someone to see data(to help in their role) but not make changes. Also, i may have a registrar assistant see the grades but not necessarily have the right to print an official transcript ( a role we may want for the registrar only). I'm sure some may have brougth that up too!
Jeremiah Miller We would love a read-only role feature too.
But, all we really need is the ability to allow a user to see the "Student" tab for everyone. As far as I can tell, currently only the big scary roles like Registrar and Academic Admin can see the Student tab.
We have a group of advisors that are responsible for the whole student body, not just particular students. It's rather tedious to assign each of these advisors to every student. And I certainly don't want to give them the Registrar role. If we could just grant these advisors an "Academic Data View" role, that would solve our problems.
Dennis Hixson Yes
We have some staff that help take the load for advising but are not the designated advisor
Jeremiah Miller Dennis, how do you handle the roles for the staff that help with advising? Do you just assign them as an advisor to all of the students, or give them the Registrar role, or nothing at all?
We are just starting with Populi so I'm curious if you've found a way to work around the roles limitations
Dennis Hixson We just started with Populi ourselves and are sorted that all out. As a small school we all muti-task. Currently our campus students are assigned by major. Certain staff are assigned to advise all student in a certain major. However, other share some of the load and I do not want to give registrar privilege to those people.
Jeremiah Miller That's very similar to how we do things here. I guess we'll have to bite the bullet and start assigning multiple advisors to each student. I was hoping to avoid that...
Deb Selin We have the same problem at our school where many staff have multiple roles. I have to give the Registrar role to others, I wish there was a read-only option!!
Jeremiah Miller I don't want to change the direction of the original request for read-only permissions, but as our school gets more experienced with Populi, I'm starting to think that Populi might be able to address the problem simply by adding a few more roles that are more specific, rather than changing the entire role structure to include "read only". I don't know if this would be simpler from a programming end, but here is my suggestion.
The root issue is that there is a HUGE gap between "Registrar", and the next lowest role, which is "Staff". If we could add a few more roles in-between, that would be marvelous. My suggestions are:
- Academic View. This is essentially a read-only Registrar role, minus access to grades. It would allow read-only access to everything in the Academics tab, such as student dashboard, student table, reports, courses, course rosters, etc. If used in combination with the Student Records role (below), grades would also be viewable.
- Student Records. This would allow blanket access to the "Student" tab. It would be used to give people read-only access to everyone's student records, such as grades and scheduling. Essentially, this gives people "Advisor" access to all students. This role, used in combination with Academic View, would be equivalent to a read-only Registrar role.
- Course and Schedule View. People with this role would be able to view the Student tab, but they would not be able to see any grades or transcripts. They would also be able to access course instances, look at the roster, and view student schedules.
In addition, the Staff and Faculty roles need to be updated so that basic enrollment information is visible. Such as, degree, major and minors, entrance term, exit term, exit status (everything under the Student Information and Degrees sections on the right side of the Student tab). Most of this is FERPA public information anyway.
I'd be interested if anyone else has any thoughts on this.
Joel Wingo I strongly agree with Jeremiah's comment.
Steve Sutcliffe Jeremiah makes some good points, but I'd like to see even further refinement or the ability to customize. I made a post here:
that asks to take the audit role to a higher level.
Jason Haché I'll just throw in my 2 cents that we could use a read-only function as well.
We have advisors that need the ability to view the academic progress of the entire student body.
Also, we are implementing an "Office of Institutional Effectiveness" that would need read-only access to pretty much everything.
Eric Rice I agree with Jeremiah!
Deborah Myers Designated School Officials (DSOs) need to have access to students' academic information, per Federal regulation. Right now, the only way to view this data is with Acad Admin or Registrar role. However, this creates possible security concerns, since the DSOs could also change this information.
A role with "Read only" permission for academic data would be perfect for any SEVP-certified school, or any school that is seeking SEVP certification.
Brian Zylstra Having a "read-only" version of any role would be very helpful when one person is helping out another temporarily, and to reduce the risk of forgetting to remove the role. I'd also like to see temporary positions too.
Daniel Humphreys We have more than one campus and it is critical for us to assign roles that are limited to a single campus.
Patti Ashby Are we any closer to having any movement on this issue? I had a discussion with our Athletic Director yesterday about his desire to provide our Athletic Coaches with "read-only" access to athlete grades. This would help the Coach monitoring the student for eligibility issues and to provide another informed mentor to further the athlete's academic progress. It appears that this "Read-Only" access would be a welcome addition to Populi User Role development.
Jeremiah Miller Yes, we would also very much like to hear if there is any progress on this issue. It continues to be one of our biggest issues. All of the new features are nice but this would be even nicer!! :-)
Brendan O'Donnell Patti, et. al.,
While this is something we'd really like to do, it's not something we can undertake lightly. It would involve a considerable rewrite of many things in the system, and we're working on a number of other things that need to get out there before this does. But, we do hear you, and we're charting out how to get there...
Mark MacVey Glad this is under discussion. Definitely at the top of our "want" list. Thanks.
Chris Corpus This is a must item for us. Please provide a timeline since this has been on the table for over a year.
Isaac Grauke Hi Stanley, thanks for contributing to the discussion. We've been doing some planning around how to make this happen, but we don't give out timelines. Thanks for your patience as we work on new features!
Joel Wingo We've noticed that the Library Staff role automatically carries with it the Staff role. We have student volunteers that work in the Library and now they can see a lot of other students' information. It would be nice if the Library Staff role was more stand-alone like the Teaching Assistant role, so that there is no security concern with the student librarians.
David Stauffer I'd echo this for both Library, and bookstore. Currently we can't use either module because both areas have significant student volunteers, and we can't allow them access to all the info that the staff role carries.
Thanks for working on this, guys.
Jody Jacobs Since redoing the Roles is such a major undertaking, would it be any simpler to allow the Staff role to be made inactive while having the Library staff, bookstore staff, etc. remain active? I think that would accomplish what some of us are talking about. I suppose that in itself is redoing the roles and therefore not any easier, but I thought I would ask.
Faculty Test I completely agree with Jody and others above. Hypothetical example: a bookstore assistant is given the staff role by default, and I really don't want him/her to have the ability to create (or worse, delete!) other staff. As a start, the ability to turn off the Staff role for other roles at our discretion would be greatly appreciated.
Tahkus Ekedal Allen Our school would really benefit from having a "read only" feature so that some staff could view the student transcripts. The heads of each department would like to have access to see how their students are doing, but we do not want to give them full capabilities like "Academic Admin." So, something where we could give someone permission to view the student tab, but not be able to make changes, would be very helpful.