It would help tremendously for us to be able to run reports and track historical student LOAs (rather than just those currently on LOA). To see who has taken an LOA, when, and how long, would really help!
Toby Robinson Official comment LOA’s can now be reported on in the Data Slicer.
Kristine Gripp Agree! I created a custom field where I check a button to indicate to me if a student was EVER on LOA but it's not efficient and relies on me to remember to check the button. We need this info sometimes well after the LOA tag is no longer there, for sure!
Some examples would be in reviewing or correcting NSLDS enrollment reporting, auditors ask who was withdrawn, graduated, LOA, etc (to ensure we did the required exit counseling notification), we may want to track for retention reporting purposes (how many eventually finished their program after an LOA etc.)
Lauren Guthrie - Registrar Agree!
Knowing what students have been on a leave of absence(s) and for how long is important data. It helps us run stats on time in the program, % of students in a program taking one or more leaves of absence, etc.
Please consider adding a way to pull historic data on leaves of absence. Thank you!
Rebecca Fisher Yes! We would like the ability to pull up a report of students who have been on a leave of absence(s) in the past.
Please consider adding a way to pull this data.
Michael Kyriazi With updated requirement by the accreditation forum, It would help significantly for the university to be able to run reports and track historical student LOAs (rather than just those currently on LOA). To see who has taken an LOA, when, and how long!
Katherine Coleson This a necessity for reports that need to be submitted for accreditation, Please look into adding this as soon as possible!
James Thanks for your feedback, everyone! As we're thinking through this feature, it would be very helpful if you could provide some detailed examples of the questions you need answered about historic LOAs... this will help us build the reporting capabilities correctly on the first try, hopefully.