It is really frustrating to have to scroll through 30 email templates with no way to search or sort, and no way to create folders. We are wanting to add more email templates, but at this point have stopped. We need to be able to create folders for our financial aid emails, admissions emails, registrar emails, billing emails, financial aid verification emails so that TRULY all communication can be through Populi without having to, again, copy and paste everything.
Toby Robinson Official comment You can now add categories while editing a template (email, letter, todo) and then filter the list of templates by those categories.
Clay McFerrin Yes, having the option to create email folders would be excellent.
Vadim Chepurny It's that time, email template groupings are a must.
Wilhelm Mauch I second that.
Daniel Kim I like to request this one too, having folders for email templates.
Here is a small, temporary workaround I found while we wait: for the email templates you want to display at the top, type a period or asterisk in front of the Name (not Subject) for the template (e.g. .weekly invoice); it will display this at the top of the list.
And for the templates you want to keep but don't plan to use any time soon, type a "z" in front and it will bring it down to the bottom of the list.
Laura Barth This would be a very helpful feature for streamlining communication between the different departments.
Vadim Chepurny One other through on this. It would be helpful to add a search box under the Template tab that would allow us to search all templates (including body text), to find the correct template to use.
Nicole Kocher YES! This would be so helpful. Folders to sort our templates into, a great idea.
Camille Knight This would be a great asset for me in sending multiple library emails.
Lisa Davidson This would be a great feature.
Paula Sweeney This is a much needed request.
Vadim Chepurny Thank you for adding the feature. However, with so many templates, it is very tedious to apply the categories. Could you please add the ability to add the categories on the main templates page by checking off the relevant templates and applying categories in batch?