We would like to have the ability to charge Bookstore purchases to an individual's account in Populi even if they are not a current student. At this point in time we are thinking primarily of our Faculty and Staff who are on campus and have access to Populi. It would allow them to make multiple small purchases and pay the total accumulated balance in one transaction, say, at the end of the month. Thank you.
Brandon Board Yes, please. The lack of flexibility regarding payment methods in the Bookstore module is a constant headache, and this would go a long way to alleviating that.
Teresa Thompson Sherrill Hope this finds you enjoying the beautiful changes of Spring. Would like to upvote this as well.
Peace, Teresa
Karl Stutzman This would really improve our workflows at AMBS.
Kathy Knaus We would like this also as we have non students purchasing classes. Thank you,
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