Financial aid application components help you collect the information you need from aid applicants in order to evaluate their financial need.
- Components consist of a name, description, and a visible to student setting.
- They supplement the built-in aid application on a student's Profile > Financial > Financial Aid view. Aid classifications let you pre-load certain aid applications with a particular combination of components.
- Typical aid application components would be things like the FAFSA or a Statement of Financial Need.
To get started, go to Financial Aid > Settings > Aid Application Components.
How to add new components
- Click Add Component.
- Give the component a name.
- Enter instructions for the component. If this component will be visible to the student, the instructions should direct the student how to complete the component.
- Check whether the component will be Visible to Student.
- Click Save.
The component is now made a part of all financial aid applications.
Changing components
Editing or deleting a component will only affect future aid applictions; these changes will not be retroactively applied to current and past applications.
- Click a component's name to edit any of its details.
- Click to delete a component.