
Linking an undergraduate PLUS Loan to the correct borrower

When an Undergraduate student takes out a PLUS Loan, the borrower will be someone other than the student—typically a parent. You'll need to link that loan to the parent directly (Grad PLUS loans are normally linked to the student herself). If you haven't entered a borrower on the award for a PLUS award, you'll receive a notification: PLUS awards must be linked to a borrower." Until you link the award to a borrower, you will not be able to sync the award to COD.

Here's how to resolve this:

  1. If the borrower is not the student, you'll want to make sure that the borrower has already been added as a person in Populi. Make sure to include details like address and SSN!
  2. Go to the student's Profile > Financial > Financial Aid view and select the pertinent award year.
  3. Below the award and disbursements, click Edit Award.
  4. Click the Borrower field.
  5. Start typing the borrower's name and select him from the list of results.
  6. Finally, click Save.

Once you've added the borrower, the error message about linking to a borrower will disappear. You'll be that much closer to having a syncable award!

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    Wes Brothers

    Borrower also needs a birthdate! Thanks for the info, very helpful!

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