There are three ways to create new discussions in your course:
- In the Course > Discussions view, start by clicking Add a course discussion(see below for instructions).
- In the Course > Assignments view, you can add a discussion-type assignment.
- In a lesson, you can add a new discussion that's connected to a lesson; you can also add existing discussions (both graded and non-graded).
How to add a new discussion
This lets you create a non-graded discussion that is attached to the course. If need be, you can later connect it to an assignment or a lesson.

- Click Add a Course Discussion.
- Enter the discussion title. The title should be a brief description of what you want the discussion to focus on.
- Enter the discussion topic. The topic can be as detailed and lengthy as you wish. You can use text formatting in the topic.
- Attach an optional file.
- Choose the discussion's author—your choices are limited to anyone who is listed as course faculty.
- Check whether this discussion is published or not. Students cannot participate in a discussion until it is published.
- Enter a date for when this discussion will first be available.
- Choose how to close the discussion to comments:
- Yes means this discussion is now closed to new comments/replies.
- No means this discussion is now open to new comments/replies.
- Date lets you set the end date/time, at which time the discussion will automatically be closed to new comments/replies.
Now that you've created this discussion, it will show up either under current or future discussions. It is not graded, but if need be, you can later link it to a discussion-type assignment.